
Information and advice for postgraduate research supervisors...

Regulations and Code of Practice for Supervisors

The University's Research Degree Regulations and Code of Practice for Supervisors can be accessed here

Supervisor development 

Supervisors of postgraduate research degree students not only need to be research active and publishing in their field, they must attend a supervisor skills development workshop and keep up to date with training and development at least every three years.

The Graduate School offers several training and development opportunities as part of its Calendar of Events.  You could also update your skills in this area by booking onto an external event such as a conference or webinar organised by Vitae and / or the UK Council for Graduate Education (UKCGE).

UKCGE Research Supervisor Recognition Programme

UKCGE has developed a Research Supervisor Recognition Programme and Good Supervisory Practice Framework. Details can be found here

Advertise a studentship?

If you have obtained funding for a PhD studentship and you would like to advertise this on the Graduate School website or externally please contact the Graduate School.

You will need to obtain authorisation from your Dean of Faculty using the Authorisation to Advertise a Studentship form which you should return to the Graduate School with details including an overview of the project, project start date and closing date for applications. When choosing a closing date for applications you need to factor in a sensible time frame for review and interview and our cohort entry dates for research degrees which are October, January and April.