Chairs of viva

Research Degree Regulations

Regulations for Research Degree Programmes can be found here.

Your role as chair

You have been appointed as an independent person to chair the viva voce examination and pre-meeting of the examiners. 

You will ensure the conduct of the examination is fair and in line with the University’s regulations.

You will normally:

  1. have a clear understanding of, and be fully compliant with, the University's regulations and procedures
  2. have experience of supervising and examining research degrees; and
  3. have undertaken appropriate training within the last five years.

Guidance for Chairs can be found here.

You will complete your Chair's checklist and ensure the examiners complete a joint post-viva report (or separate reports where required) and you must ensure these are submitted to the Graduate School post-viva.

Should you require any advice on the day please contact the Graduate School Manager.